Monday, October 28, 2024


16th June 2018

Dublin – the capital city of Ireland and the home to more than a handful of history’s literary greats. W.B. Yeats, Oscar Wilde and Jonathon Swift among others all have ties with the city of Dublin, but there is one writer in particular whose  stamp on the annals of time stands out - James Joyce - author of Ulysses, one of the greatest literary creations of all time. 

Although the memory of Joyce may be constant in this thriving city, where numerous reminders of his legacy can be found, there is one day of the year when his story truly comes alive – Bloomsday. On the 16th June every year Joyce fans the world over celebrate the life of this most famous of Dubliners and none do it better than Dublin. Now is your chance to step into the pages of Ulysses and live life through the eyes of Leopold Bloom for a day.

Bloomsday celebrates the day on which the action of James Joyce’s novel Ulysses takes place, 16 June 1904, the day on which (it is understood) Joyce first went out with his future wife, Nora Barnacle. The day is named after Leopold Bloom, the central character in Ulysses. The novel follows the life and thoughts of Leopold Bloom and a host of other characters – real and fictional – from 8am on 16 June through to the early hours of the following morning.